
Smart Furniture for Office Interior Design

The modern working place for employees demands a modern office interior design and is unlike what it was a few decades ago. Employees have now truly become a fundamental...

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Small Office Interior Design Trends in Dubai for 2020

As the modern workspace shrinks down in the area and home offices are becoming popular, small and growing businesses, along with freelancers, need to rethink the...

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Benefits of a Professional Office Fit Out Service

When it is about creating an office space, the business owner and the team members will work in; it’s essential to realize that the office space should work for you as well...

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A Handy Guide to Floor Installation

Your floors are obviously an essential part of your abode and they should be given as much attention as any other part...

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The Benefits of Parquet Flooring

Thinking about flooring options for your home renovation project? Pick The Brick strongly recommends....

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Popular Wood Flooring Styles in Dubai

When it comes to picking out a flooring for your home quality is key. This is the flooring you’re...

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