Small Office Interior Design Trends in Dubai for 2020

As the modern workspace shrinks down in the area and home offices are becoming popular, small and growing businesses, along with freelancers, need to rethink the place of work and the interior design too. Dubai is the hub for a large number of start-ups that are working out of small office spaces, along with a booming industry for freelancers. For professionals such as writers, artists, graphic designers, and others, the office space interior designers in Dubai must design and decorate smaller offices with a modern taste.

While conceiving a reflection of the style, taste, and objective of the growing business, it is crucial to deliver an office interior design that works for the people occupying it. Here’s everything you need to know about the ideas and trends in small office interior design in Dubai for 2020.

Built-in storage shelves

Small offices demand using all the space resourcefully, meaning that the office storage must be upward. Built-in shelves into the wall can create stylish, beautiful, and organized office storage space without the clutter. While creating a focal point for the small office, they can also encourage employees to stay organized. Floor-to-ceiling built-in shelving is excellent for storing appliances and work products such as copy machine and server booths, as well as the document files and folders. Leaving more room for foot traffic and additional furniture, Office interior decorators in Dubai can come up with plans to match every office budget, space, and style.

Corner office desk

When considering a home office, the smallest room is usually the one picked for the job. In these small office spaces too, accommodating freestanding, regular desks in not entirely possible. Here’s where a corner, wraparound desks positioned next to a window or wall, comes into play, allowing for all the workspace required without holding up the foot traffic or cluttering up the office. PTB Build is equipped with an extensive range of office furniture that focuses on use of space and stylization too.

Color Schemes

Just because the office is a place of work does not necessarily mean that it should be four walls with uninspiring decor. No matter whether the office space is small or large, in the end, it is where you want to feel inspired to get the job done. The color you choose is essential when it comes to small offices since the brighter shades, and neutral palettes are visually enlarging. Think a combination of neutral tones and bright ones that highlight the walls with colors such as eggshell white, abalone or pearl grey. Hence, Pick the Brick offers you a complementary color scheme suggestion when you opt for any of the PTB Design layout plans.

Better use of space

As the modern workspaces are crammed into tiny cubicles, it can be challenging to design the right office with limited real estate. It’s worth taking a closer look at the overall layout of the office and planning how to utilize all of the available space as a whole. A fitting interior design contractor can judge what critical areas of workspace require more area or what can be improved in that regard.

Airy Office Spaces

Natural light makes the workspace seem broadened expansive, so much so that you would barely feel like you’re working at your desk indoors. The inclusion of naturally lit and ventilated in small offices is essential due to the space constraints. In case of a commercial building workspace in Dubai, the small office interior design ideas must take into account, large glass windows with blinds to allow the passage of light during daytime. If the office desks are not positioned nearby a window, considering neutral, light colours to keep a classic look can make the area seem widespread, and also cheery, despite the absence of natural light.

Ready to turn your smaller office space in Dubai a marvel to look at with these interior design ideas of 2020? Pick the Brick is here to assist you through the entire process, from designing the layout to completion.